Optimizing the Supply Chain for Consignment Inventory

Optimizing the Supply Chain for Consignment Inventory

Consignment Inventory – 4 best practices that will fix this broken process:

In today’s globalized economy, businesses are looking for ways to optimize the supply chain and Consignment Inventory is much maligned as organizations have struggled with deploying an effective process and benefits realization. There are many problems associated with the Consignment Inventory process ranging from the selection of unsuitable products, through to inadequate support from ERP systems and reliance on manual paper-based processes. This white paper asserts how these challenges can be overcome and achieve great benefits from Consignment Inventory using 4 best practices.

Key takeaways from this whitepaper:

  • How to move into paperless warehousing with use of mobile scanners to automate transactions
  • How you can improve warehouse productivity and reduce costs with your SAP warehouse solution
  • How to achieve better visibility and leverage your current SAP investments and more
  • Ways to provide your users a consumer grade experience, which drives user adoption and process compliance

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