Oil and gas production and refining facilities encounter numerous maintenance and safety challenges on a daily basis. Chief among these are preserving efficiency with aging equipment, prolonging asset life spans and regulatory compliance, among others. When these challenges can’t be successfully met, costly unplanned downtime is an inevitable result, negatively impacting revenues, profit margins and customer relationships.
This whitepaper examines ways oil and gas production and refining sites can improve their maintenance data gathering and work order management process to better meet and overcome process efficiency, downtime and safety problems.
Key takeaways:
- A majority of plants have no clear idea of the current condition of their assets or when they’re due for maintenance or replacement
- Paper-based operator rounds and work order management processes greatly limit operational visibility and hinder maintenance
- Mobile operator rounds can provide crucial early warning of potential downtime-causing incidents
- Pairing mobile operator rounds with digital work order management reduces paperwork, increases response time, raises asset reliability, and boosts uptime while cutting expenses.